Health information on CareSync Exchange is collected from separate health record systems, such as Electronic Medical Records (EMRs), used at each public health service.

The system provides authorised clinicians with view-only access to a patient’s health information. It works alongside existing health service systems and the national ‘My Health Record’ to improve access to comprehensive, timely and relevant health information.

CareSync Exchange provides authorised clinicians with access to a more up-to-date picture of a patient’s health history, immediately accessible at the point of care.

Information available includes:

  • Patient demographics (name, date of birth and contact details)
  • Previous encounters at other Victorian public health services (health service they visited, primary reason and date)
  • Pathology results and reports
  • Treating provider names
  • Discharge summaries

Future system enhancements will expand the range of information to include imaging reports, medications, allergies and other clinical documents. 

The health services listed below have been selected to share data in the system for the initial phase of the implementation. 

Last updated: December 2024 


Health Service

Shares data in CareSync Exchange

Eastern Health


Austin Health

Coming soon

Northern Health

Coming soon 

Monash Health


Alfred Health


Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre


The Royal Melbourne Hospital


The Royal Children’s Hospital


The Royal Women’s Hospital

