CareSync Exchange is operated by the Victorian Department of Health under a robust Privacy Management Framework (PMF)

The PMF ensures that Victorian health consumers’ privacy is protected within the system.

Only authorised users are permitted to access information on CareSync Exchange for authorised purposes.

Your organisation determines who is an authorised user based on the PMF. 

Authorised access to CareSync Exchange for clinicians is granted only for the purpose of providing clinical care to a patient. Information can onlybe accessed and used by clinicians to inform treatment and care decisions.

The only other authorised use is to operate and maintain CareSync Exchange, which includes security, record-matching, reporting and auditing activities.

Health information in CareSync Exchange cannot be used for any other purpose – for example, the data cannot be used for research, planning or policy development.

For further information, please complete the mandatory Privacy and Security eLearn which will be available on your LMS as part of the clinical onboarding process of your health service. 
